Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, Ohio
Membership Benefits
Our members--some 200 businesses, organizations, and individuals--join the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce for a wide range of benefits:
Monthly meeting with member announcements and programs held on the second Friday of each month at 7:30 a.m. on the third floor of the Town Hall.
Email communication on area events, opportunities, and discussions.
Connections to the BACC board and CEO. We're who people call when they are looking for local resources.
Group benefit plans for health (now including sole proprietors), dental, vision and other insurance; discounts on office supplies, credit card processing, shipping and freight services, and more.
Outreach opportunities that keep your business in the public eye, including Blaze of Lights, Business Showcase, Arts & Crafts Festival, and Fireworks after National Night Out.
Join Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce
NOACC Benefit Carriers & Suppliers
For a full list of business enhancement benefits available to BACC members through the Northern Ohio Area Chamber of Commerce, visit NOACC.ORG

Start Saving Today: www.844medohio.com
Group Health Insurance – Chamber Saver Program
Full range of health insurance plans with cost savings usually reserved for larger companies. Businesses also get access to a large
network of quality providers through Anthem, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Premium
savings of up to 1.4% on groups from 2-50 employees. Groups from 51-500 may be eligible for a 1% premium savings. Business
must be a NOACC Chamber Member.
Group Health Insurance – SOCA Benefit Plan (MEWA)
Chambers of Commerce throughout Ohio have banded together to offer a new self-funded medical plan for small employers. The Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce (NOACC), Central Ohio Chambers of Commerce, Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance (SOCA), Dayton Area Chamber, and the Youngstown Warren Regional Chamber have collaborated to create a new health program that can lead to more rate stability and is a smart solution that offers potential savings for groups with 50 or fewer employees.
Your business must be a NOACC Chamber Member.
NEW: Opportunity for sole proprietors. See April 2020 letter.
For Anthem broker information, visit 844medohio.com or call 844-Med-Ohio.
Local agencies include: